Tuesday, November 24, 2009

PD bites - Term 4 Week 7

This 2005 article "Engage Me or Enrage Me" by Marc Prensky (of the controversial "digital native" fame) challenges the education system to ensure student engagement not tuning out. A few years old but still extremely relevant.

There is also a podcast which covers this same topic in more detail from a key note speech by Marc Prensky at a conference in Shropshire. You can also watch his powerpoint presentation at the same time.

All educators are struggling to find ways to get today's kids more involved in their schoolwork. The key, says Prensky, is not curriculum, certification or testing, but rather ENGAGEMENT. He argues forcefully that this generation is NOT in need of better content, but of more engaging approaches, more understanding, and 21st century skills. In this talk, through numerous examples, Prensky shows specifically how games engage kids, and how educators can employ and benefit from not only existing games but also the powerful educational principles behind them.

I liked one of his closing statements. When we are planning our lessons we shouldn't think "What am I going to teach today?" BUT "How am I going to teach today?" ...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

PD bite - Term 4 Week 6

Would you like to know more about how to engage our Gen Y students?

This address to the Australian Principals Association by Michael McQueen (uploaded onto our SMC PD wiki) is all about nexgen impact: engaging generation Y. The presentation is about an hour long and very interesting. You can watch the powerpoint pdf as you listen.

I have been listening to it as I complete mundane tasks such as sorting and filing. Helps the time pass more quickly.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

PD bites - Term 4 Week 4 "Take a break"

Today's PD bite is about taking a bit of time out from the frenetic pace of Term 4.

This YouTube video of the winner of Ukraine's Got Talent 2009 - sand animation - was shown to me by Shawn. It helps you appreciate the beauty and importance of art in our lives. Make sure you have the sound on while you watch.

For those of you who like words, especially words you don't hear every day, click on this site and have some fun: http://savethewords.org/

Lastly, some cool digital poetry.

Enjoy ...