- messy desk
- can't find things
- misses meetings
- misses lessons
- late for meetings
- late for lessons
- unprepared for lessons
- unprepared for meetings
- tired/ unable to concentrate
If you are feeling time-stressed, consider the tips below.
Tip 1
Notice you ARE wasting time by recognising your favourite time wasting tactic - is it trying out new fonts in Word? Making endless cups of tea? Googling your name? Facebook? Youtube?
Break the inertia - Do small things to get yourself started e.g. put your marking into class order
Tip 3
One step at a time - e.g. starting the first part of planning a lesson might inspire you to do more later
Tip 4
Divide the task into manageable segments. e.g. aim to mark 7 assignments each day rather than trying to sit down with a pile of 31 assignments
Tip 5
Don't sabotage yourself - work when you are at peak energy and away from distractions.
Tip 6
Reward yourself when you complete what you have set out to do.
Tip 7
Leave gaps in the process - don't schedule your day too tightly. Give yourself slow time and time to ponder and reflect.
Tip 8
Control emails
Tip 9
Remember the power of "NO" and the danger of "MAYBE"
Tip 10
Don't overcrowd your weekend with school tasks