Tuesday, August 4, 2009

PD bite Term 3 Week 3

Teaching Strategy - Any Questions
If you ask, "Does anyone have any questions?" and you get no questions- that means students probably don't know or understand enough to ask a question!!

So, ask questions that will tell you if there is understanding. Just remember though that just because one student gives the answer it does NOT mean anyone else knows the answer.

Ask more than one student to give the answer to the same question...
Tell me more.
Say it in a different way.
How would you say it?
Say it again.
Then ask the question in a different way and check for understanding.

Professional Readings

Are we over technology?
Jose Bowen, dean of the Meadows School of the Arts, HAS DECIDED TO THROW ALL TECHNOLOGY OUT of the classroom (and he is not the only one) . His goal? To axe boring PowerPoints from the lives of students and reinvigorate their learning with engaging, human-to-human contact. http://chronicle.com/article/Teach-Naked-Effort-Strips/47398/

Have you read the story on student motivation and NCEA in last week's Gazette?