Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Term 1 Week 2

The Font Debate
I belong to a couple of teacher litserves and over the last few weeks there has been much discussion about the use of fonts and in particular which fonts are best for our students. I have my favourites and find Times New Roman and Comic Sans especially revolting to read. However, according to The Times Educational Supplement Comic Sans may just help our students to remember what they read. Read all about it

This website ( looks at the use of comic sans and typography (briefly) from a design point of view. There is also a link to a dyslexia website ( which explains which fonts are better for students with dyslexia - which is useful for the many of us who teach dyslexic students.

Lesson ideas:

If you want to access any resources about setting up for learning at the beginning of the year, check out this post from the beginning of 2010.